Vinati Organics and Samhita -CGF to empower 5,380 women in Maharashtra

Maharashtra, August 2021: Vinati Organics Ltd in partnership with Samhita and Collective Good Foundation has launched HERS (Health, Education, REVIVE, Skilling), a series of initiatives designed to address fundamental issues faced by women in India including education, sanitation, basic hygiene and employability. 

As per the World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021, the country has now slipped28 places  to the 140th position in the index. The pandemic has further impacted livelihoods, putting 4 out of every 10 women out of the workforce. HERS is a step towards bridging this gender gap and will aim to empower 5,380 women across Maharashtra.

As part of the HERS approach, Vinati Organics, Samhita and CGF, have identified some of the primary obstacles to growth and development for girls and women in India. They include low access to education, vulnerability to gender-based violence, low access to digital and financial resources and low labour force participation. Through a series of initiatives, HERS (Health, Education, REVIVE, Skilling) will aim to help women overcome these barriers and support their social and economic growth:

In-school training program: 3,500 adolescent students (girls and boys) from 8-10th grades and 100 teachers will be empowered through essential life skills and gender sensitisation, with Yuva Mitra as the implementing partner.  


School sanitation and Behaviour Change Campaign: Over30,00 students across 5 schools will be provided with access to safe and sustainable sanitation facilities to promote healthy and hygienic practices. Ecosan Services Foundation is the implementing partner

Out-of-school employability program: With Head Held High Foundation as the implementing partner, 150 out-of-school young adults (18-30 years) from rural communities will be provided essential employability and life-skills training.


Scholarship programme: 320 adolescent girls  from disadvantaged and rural communities of Maharashtra, studying in 12th grade will be given scholarships to support  the completion of higher secondary education. Buddy4Study India Foundation is the implementing partner for this initiative.

Under the HERS series,Vinati Organics has also joined the REVIVE Alliance, an initiative by Samhita-CGF to help restore the livelihoods of informal workers and micro entrepreneurs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Vinati Organics has committed to provide returnable grants to 1,500 women farmers, artisans and micro-entrepreneurs (engaged in various occupations ranging from food manufacturing to beauty entrepreneurs, shop owners and many others).

Viral Saraf Mittal, CSR Head - Vinati Organics Ltd, said“Women are the strongest pillars of society and we believe that the first step towards social and economic development must aim at developing the capabilities and self-reliance of women. At Vinati, we have always strived to nudge social impact through unique and holistic models focusing on all-round development. HERS perfectly synthesizes our vision for an inclusive and equitable world for women and girls, and we are proud to partner with Samhita and Collective Good Foundation on this series of initiatives.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected women’s health, livelihoods and education, intensifying existing inequalities and dealing a body blow to their aspirations. It’s imperative that private and public sectors incorporate holistic and yet fundamental approaches in their gender strategies to help expand socio-economic opportunities for girls and women, and address key barriers to their development and inclusion. This is the core objective of this collaboration with Vinati Organics,” says Priya Naik, Founder & CEO, Samhita - Collective Good Foundation.

About Vinati Organics:

Vinati Organics Limited is a leading manufacturer of specialty chemical and organic intermediaries with a sustained market presence across 35 countries in the world. It is an integrated business offering a wide range of products to some of the largest industrial and chemical companies across US, Europe and Asia.

About Samhita and CGF:

Samhita is an impact consulting firm collaborating with companies, foundations, multilateral and bilateral institutions, and government and social organisations, to strategize and implement effective social initiatives. Collective Good Foundation (CGF) is a not-for-profit organisation that facilitates sustainable and scalable impact across causes such as livelihoods, healthcare and WASH through an operating partnership with Samhita Social Ventures (SSV). Together, the organisations work towards creating a ‘Better Normal’ for India’s most vulnerable communities. For any queries,.

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